Dr.Marie Kerns,Psy.D. - Home - Irvine, CA
 Licensed Marriage Family Therapist  # MFC 50443 - Dr.Marie Kerns,Psy.D.

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Therapy Sessions are 50 minutes               
         $95.00 for a 50 min session                                  
         SAVE pay $410 for 5 sessions

The counseling approach that I use is best described as integrative psychotherapy. Using a combination of various therapeutic strategies and skills, depending upon a client’s unique challenges. I work with Individuals, Couples, Pre-marital and Married, Living together, and Questioning. I also work with counseling students as they gain licensing hours for their personal therapy.

In Couples Work, I help couples facilitate a peaceful existence together. Many times Couples come into counseling very frustrated and feeling misunderstood by their partners. This conflict leads to arguing and eventually to thoughts of disolving the relationship. 

Miscommunication can lead to problems in relationships, that can be easily smoothed over and sorted out in sessions. In counseling sessions, I will work together with you and your partner, integrating techniques, designed to generate understanding of the viewpoint of each partner. From this understanding we can work together on building the relationship, by a blending of the strengths and weaknesses of each partner. 
Please call me at your earliest convenience.


         $95.00 for a 50 min session                                  
Payable by Cash, Check, Credit Card

I also see psychology students and Interns preparing to be therapists, for their own personal therapy. The BBS accepts 100 hours of personal therapy X 3, which is 300 hours toward licensure.